Reflection on Project 1

            This was our first group project in the creative thinking course. Each group chose a topic to tackle, targeting a specific group of people. At first, we did background research to have a clear and wide variety of information. For example, our topic was about the dorms so we searched dorms in general with its benefits and problems. After that phase, we chose the most convenient problem according to students’ needs. In our situation, our main concern was about the availability of rooms for students at AUC. At that stage, each group had to really cooperate and work hard together. The idea of attending or making it on time was the part where I felt a bit annoyed from some of my colleagues. Sometimes, the existence of the whole group members was mandatory to finish up the work effectively. To continue, the challenging part was the interviews since it was my first experience through such a task. I had to do it alone because of the shortage of time our group had. Through the interviews, I had to engage my interviewees and try as much as possible to get the most out of them. I guess choosing only dorm students was a bit hard as well. After all that valuable work, we were able then to target our main problem and find a solution representing it as a prototype. I believe this was the part where our group did really put effort into. We managed to settle down on a solution and discuss the necessities required for building a small version of our solution. I think this was one of the longest projects I’ve done, through which I learned many things. I really liked the idea of working together and trying to come up with something together as a whole group to represent.


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